Photo by Haley Rosson

Mackenzie Wilson is a third-year Lion’s Roar staffer and will be attending The University of Alabama majoring in public relations.

I Once Fell in a Creek…in new Vans

Throughout my high school career, as many, I made mistakes; one of them being I wore 23 scrunchies in my hair for VSCO Day junior year. Trust me, I will never understand why I did that either, however, these “mistakes” lead to high school memories that will last forever.
From football games, to lunches in the cafeteria, to simply just walking in the halls, I will never forget my time at Louisa County High School, and the Lion’s Roar. Even with it being cut short due to a GLOBAL PANDEMIC, I’m still so thankful for every single person I have met through this journey. Whether you know it or not, you have made an impact on my life and I am forever grateful for the experiences and memories you have given me.
To you reading this right now, the best advice I can give you is to just simply have fun. It doesn’t matter if you are a freshman, teacher, or fellow senior, always remember to have fun and to not waste your life away stressing.
Do not be scared to try new things and make mistakes because in the long run, those are the stories you will be reminiscing about 20 years from now. While mine may have been one crazy spirit week and bringing Cheerios to every football game, the memories will keep me connected with my class for a lifetime.
I’m eternally grateful for The Lion’s Roar for not only allowing me to be a part of such an amazing staff, but for giving me friendships that will last forever. Newspaper has changed my life and I could not have asked for a better class to share my high school experience with. This class will definitely be the hardest part to leave, but I’m ready to see what God has in store for my future. Roll Tide!

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