Photo by Sarah Blanchard

Sydney Perkins is a third-year Lion’s Roar staffer and will be attending Piedmont Virginia Community College majoring in business.

Taking a look back

As senior year is coming to an end, I have found myself flashing back to freshman year and the many times teachers, principles and the upperclassmen ahead of me warned just how fast high school would fly by. Now that I am less than one month away from graduating, I know that they were not lying.
Going into high school, I had a certain idea of how my life would look by the time I walked across the stage, including my post graduation plans, the people present in my life and most importantly, a solid four years of high school experience behind me. It is safe to say that those plans changed.
These four years at LCHS have not only allowed me to grow in my academics but have also allowed me to become the person I am today. I have learned so many valuable lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.
Some of these lessons left me broken and some of them forced me to grow up, but I know that they have made me into the young woman I am today.
While this is not the senior year myself or anyone in my class was expecting, nothing, not even a pandemic, can take away the memories LCHS has given me.
I have made friendships with people I never thought I would, accomplished academic and personal goals I worked hard for, spent some of the most fun nights under stadium lights and had the honor of winning a state title with a team I will never forget.
I can not express how grateful I am to have gone to this school and for each and every person who has had an impact on my journey.
Underclassmen, there are many words of advice I could leave with you, but for now, I’ll just say this: Make the most of your high school years, and most importantly, enjoy every last second of it.
Work as hard as you can, and always put your academics first, but also, do not stress yourself out to the point where you are not truly enjoying it.
Try out for that team; join that club; dress up for prom; talk to that kid in your Algebra class; they might even become a close friend.
Do not be scared to change, whether it be your style, your mindset or your attitude, and know that it is more than okay to leave certain things, or even people, in the past.
Leave a legacy behind, but most importantly, leave YOUR legacy behind. Make sure that no one forgets you and more importantly, never forget where you came from.

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