Photo courtesy of The Cold Wire featuring a note with Friday written on it.


This Friday night is the first  opening night of the Ashland Berry Farm “Terror on the Farm” haunted trails. They open up from 7-11 on Friday’s for $35.

Photo courtesy of the Ashland Berry Farms website featuring a digital image of one of their scarers.

Friday night the competition cheer team is having their showcase at the school at 5:30.


This Sunday, the Charlottesville City Market will be open from 8-12. They sell a variety of fresh fruits and veggies when in season, handmade gifts, home made baked goods, fresh roasted coffee, doughnuts, organic bagels, authentic Mexican foods made on location, fresh artisan breads, and much more.

Photo courtesy of Charlottesville Market website featuring one of their stands.

This Saturday from 11-5, the Gordonsville Fire House will be hosting their 10th Anniversary of their Famous Fried Chicken Festival

Photo courtesy of Youtube featuring the Gordonsville Fried Chicken Festival.

From 8-4 this Saturday, Dayton is hosting their annual Dayton Days Autumn Celebration.


Photo courtesy of Dayton VA online website featuring the online logo for their Autumn Festival.

On Saturday at 10, Newport News Park hosts their 47th year Fall Festival.

Photo courtesy of featuring certain activities involved in their Newport News Festival.

Saturday, the competition cheer team will be going to Harrisonburg High School for their  invitational competition and practice. 


This Sunday, from 11-2 Fluvanna will be having their annual farmers market


Anna Point Marina will be hosting a Sunday morning Bass Series.

Photo courtesy of Lake Anna Connections featuring the Anna Point Marina.

Saturday and Sunday, Virginia Tech will be having their open house. 


This weekend, Richmond Tours will be having their Arts District Food Tour from 2-4:30 at the River City Food Tours-Arts District for $63. 


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