#TeamLCPS unveils October’s #Kindness campaign

Students in the LCHS Leadership class kicked off #TeamLCPS’s Community Comes First #Kindness campaign with this simple reminder.
October 2, 2020
With so much division in the world right now, one thing each of us can do to overcome the hate is to be kind. Throughout the month of October, Louisa County Public Schools is making it a top priority to spread #Kindness. The Community Comes First campaign aims to show our appreciation for several groups that play vital roles within the community.
“Right now the world needs more kindness, empathy, respect, and understanding for sure. Our goal is to just show that and bring some of that to our community,” LCHS Principal Lee Downey said.
“We’ve divided up First Responders into four groups; Firefighters & EMS, Healthcare Professionals, Law Enforcement, and Educators. There are so many members of our community who are First Responders who work extremely hard to keep this community running strong. I think of people like Sheriffs Ashland Fortune and Donnie Lowe, Robert Dube, Mary Robinson, and Dr. Al and Vickie Southall. These individuals have created an amazing legacy, so it’s really special that we’re able to honor men and women like them for their service,” Superintendent Doug Straley said.
The goal with this initiative is “to hit the different first responders we have in our community…they are all on the front lines and helping in various capacities with what we’re dealing with right now. I think it’s great we are doing nice things for them to cheer them up and bring happiness and kindness to them,” said Downey.
“Each school will be hosting their own activities to promote positive relationships with our First Responders. Our students will be writing thank you letters, we’ll be delivering honorary banners and certificates, and there will be thank you videos. We’re also going to be visiting with First Responders in-person and presenting them with tokens of appreciation. Those details will be announced each week and we’d love for all of our community to rally around this cause,” Straley said.
From Oct. 5 through Oct. 9, LCHS is preparing baskets of snacks, cards, and other tokens of appreciation for fire and emergency personnel. Any students, staff or community members that want to make donations or send tokens of your appreciation in the delivery, please contact Carrie Hicks: [email protected].
Take the time to thank a Fire or EMS personnel for all they do throughout our county. To nominate a first responder that you would like to see receive recognition for their sacrifice, click here: https://forms.gle/v8NXYtj6Rfaw1Cwu9. Individuals nominated will receive a special thank you for all that they do by mail.
The week of Oct. 12 will recognize healthcare professionals in the community, the week of Oct. 19 will recognize law enforcement, and the final week of the campaign will be dedicated to educators. The Lion’s Roar will share the nomination links each week when they are released, so be sure to check out lchsnews.com each week in October as more information for each recognition week becomes available.
“Even small things, we are a small community in rural Virginia, things can spread out and we can make a difference bigger than Louisa County. Us doing this is really important and shows our students kindness and then when they leave and go do things in their lives, they take those qualities and characteristics with them and spread kindness even further,” said Downey.
A simple thank you to all those that sacrifice so much for us is one step towards a kinder and more positive world.