Artist of the Month spotlights talented student artists. This November, it was awarded to freshman Isleigh Ryalls.

Art has become increasingly popular in high schools because it promotes personal growth in students. As a result, more talented young artists have emerged and their artwork needs a place to be displayed.
“I think Artist of the Month is super important to students to showcase all the different talent we have at LCHS,” art teacher Alexandra LaBarr said. “It gives students who may not get a chance to be in the spotlight a chance to have their work and talent celebrated.”

Art comes in many forms. One can be an artist by taking a pencil and drawing something or performing in a theater, whether that be by acting or singing. Some artists partake in multiple forms of art. Ryalls is no exception to this.
“I am in mainstage and musical theater ensemble,” Ryalls said. “I want to pursue theater if I were to go to college, but I also really like art. I want to keep pursuing art, but major in theater.”
Similar to high school athletes, a student artist can only spend so much time on their artwork. School takes up a lot of time due to the average school day being almost seven hours. Along with students having homework to do on their own time, the busy schedule makes it hard to make time for extracurriculars.
“Isleigh’s ability to focus on her artwork while having so many other things going on makes her a good artist,” freshman Olivia Rodgers said.
LaBarr nominated Ryalls for having all the qualities of a good artist. Artist of the Month is curated to show off

the artwork of those who are not only skilled but who are enthusiastic about art and want to grow constantly as an artist.
“Isleigh is incredibly talented and dedicated to her artwork,” LaBarr said. “Even though she is only a freshman, she has had her work displayed in the Fine Arts Showcase in September and will have a piece on display in the Louisa Arts Center in December. She works really hard on her pieces and I thought it would be great to showcase her work.”

The most talented artists were not born with their talent but had to cultivate and build their artistic skills through trial and error. Having a background in art makes a person more likely to be a successful artist.
“I have always liked art,” Ryalls said. “When I was little I was just really into it and my mom got me to take classes at the Art Center, and it’s just sort of taken off since then.”