Opinion: Law enforcement officers deserve a thanks
Photo courtesy of Louisa County Public Schools
Sheriff Ashland Fortune served as Louisa County’s sheriff for 20 years. Thank a law enforcement officer this week during #TeamLCPS’ Community Comes First #Kindness campaign.
October 21, 2020
With so much unrest in our country right now, law enforcement is under increased scrutiny.
Every job has its “bad apples,” but law enforcement is one that can’t. Lives literally depend on it. The public also can’t define an entire group by the actions of a minority of people in that field who are guilty of misconduct or even worse, blatantly illegal conduct.
There are almost 700,000 police officers in the country. Just as you don’t want to take the blame for someone that may make grievous mistakes in things that you are affiliated with, like your job, church, or family, those 700,000 police officers should not have to bear the burden of the sins of the minority in their field.
The second a call is made that danger is taking place, law enforcement is the first to show up. They start their morning by putting protective gear on, kissing their husband/wife and kids goodbye, and praying to God they make it back that night safely to their family.
Oftentimes, they miss out on their kids’ birthdays, holidays, dinner, and some of the most important times in their family’s life. They do the job because they want to, not because they have to. Law enforcement officers report to a job every day that puts their life on the line.
Law enforcement steps up to the job, so we don’t have to. Do you think law enforcement officers risk their lives every day for the money or the social status? No. They risk their lives because they love what they do.
When you see an officer, thank them for their service, pay for their meal, or write them a card. The best way for us to bridge the gap between the community and law enforcement is by building positive relationships. Take the opportunity to honor the thousands of law enforcement officers that took a job that no one else wanted to.