Santa Council steps up to the plate

The Lion’s Roar archives

Volunteers from the community came together on packing day during the 2019 holiday season.

Haley Rosson, Arts & Entertainment Editor

  It is no surprise that this year is unlike any other. With that being said, the Louisa County Santa Council is not backing down. 

“It is definitely going to be more of a challenge this year,” President of the Louisa Santa Council, June Duren, said.

  The Santa Council team has created a plan to safely and efficiently spread the Christmas spirit and distribute necessary items to those in need. They have been working hard to help the less fortunate since 1988, and don’t plan to change that any time soon. In past years, the Santa Council has had the opportunity to distribute meals and toys in-person; however, that will look a little different this year. 

  This year, distribution and pick up will be arranged in waves outside of the Mineral Baptist Family Life Center. There will be three waves, starting the morning of Dec. 11 and going through the morning of Dec. 12.

  “We need everyone involved to be patient, understanding, and follow the rules,” Operations Director of the Louisa Santa Council, Lloyd Runnett, said. 

  The Santa Council will start assembling gifts and food Dec. 2 at the Louisa Fire Hall. For safety reasons, gifts will not be wrapped this year. Unfortunately, for the same reasons, LCHS students are unable to help this year, so donated food will now be packed in the evenings.

  Due to COVID-19’s global impact, schools across the country are unable to participate in many activities, including beloved traditions like this one. With student safety as LCHS’s top priority,  programs that have volunteered with Santa Council in the past, such as The Lion’s Roar, Leadership and the varsity football team are unable to pitch in and help.

  Community members are encouraged to get involved with the Santa Council this year, and any and all help is appreciated. Food packing will start at 5:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 7 and will end Thursday, Dec. 10. 

  While some restrictions may be in place, The Louisa Santa Council is still looking for volunteers and is open to help from the community. In times like this, contributions and volunteers are what non-profits rely on. Representatives from Santa Council will sign off on community service hours for any interested parties who want to volunteer.   

  “It’s in mine and the volunteers’ hearts to do this,” said Duren, “This county is the most giving county I have ever lived in.”  

  See the Santa Council Facebook page for more information or contact [email protected] for any questions.