Election time for the Seniors
Treasurer Kaylee Nuckols, Vice President Kage Harlow, and Secretary Dallas Sprouse pose for a photo outside of the high school. President Makiah Holcomb was absent the day of the photo.
October 20, 2022
Attention Class of 2023, the votes are in and we now have our senior class officers.
Makiah Holcomb- President
Kage Harlow- Vice President
Dallas Sprouse- Secretary
Kaylee Nuckols- Treasurer
Each candidate had a week to campaign by covering the halls with posters and passing out incentives, encouraging fellow seniors to vote for them.
“My tactics for campaigning were to not only talk to people in my classes but try to reach everyone,” Holcomb said. “I just wanted to include everyone and not just reach one specific group of people.”
Throughout campaigning each candidate shared what they would do upon being elected as an officer.
“Kage and I have talked about senior sunrise and sunset along with incorporating different things in our senior picnic at the end of the year,” Holcomb said.
Each officer brings in different ideas and works together to plan and set up each activity.
“I want to do something original for the class trip,” Nuckols said. “I know in the past they used to go to D.C., so maybe we could go there.”
Now that class officers are official, senior activities can begin, starting off with senior sunrise. Seniors can sign up throughout the week to attend this Friday, Oct. 21.
“Senior sunrise is a free of charge event that is available for the whole class of 2023,” head librarian Laura Watkins said. “The earliest you can get there is 6:45 am and we’re going to be playing music, games, and just hanging out until school starts.”
The Class of 2023 hasn’t had a full “normal” year of highschool since freshman year was cut short and each year after had restrictions. This year holds a more meaningful experience for many seniors.
“I want to give everyone the best senior year since it is like our first normal year and unfortunately this is our last year here,” Holcomb said. “I want to base my presidency around what everyone wants and not just one person since it is all of our senior year.”