Creatively Writing my way through high school
This photo features a page from the Creative Writing Club’s, Voices of the Pride literary magazine with a short poem written by Joss Jones.
October 21, 2022
Approximately 35 clubs are offered in an attempt to address the individuality amongst students. Included in our multitude of clubs is the Creative Writing Club, advised by English teacher and newspaper advisor, Heather Curran.
In the Creative Writing Club, students learn about writing, editing, and revision techniques. The writers are given prompts to help them build their writing skills. Some prompts that we have been encouraged to write from include, but are not limited to are, “write a blog excusing the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood” and “it’s Monday morning and your main character has received an unexpected email.” Each semester, the club hopes to publish a literary magazine built on student submissions.
During the 2021-2022 school year, I joined the Creative Writing Club as a sophomore in hopes of discovering a group of like-minded individuals. A group of individuals who expressed themselves through the art of writing. A group of young people who would be able to build each other up, hear each other out, and help each other improve. Within the Creative Writing Club, I found my people.
Looking around the room at our club meetings, I never noticed many people. When I first joined the club, I considered myself to have been the “quiet kid” out of these few people. I would come in, receive my prompt, write, and listen to others share their writings all while I didn’t say much. As time went on, I learned the ways of the club. I slowly realized that this was a judgment-free zone and I got the courage to share my writings.
In this club, we offer each other constructive criticism. Here, I received the encouragement that took my writings, skill, and passion for writing from good to great. I went from being quiet to oftentimes wanting others to hear what I have to say. These people listen to me and I listen to them. They tell me what they liked and what I could improve in my writing and I reciprocate.
Last year, the Creative Writing Club unfortunately did not put out a literary magazine each semester due to unforeseen events: we worked hard to put out a magazine at the very end of second semester. I was one of the contributors working towards getting the magazine put together. Unknowingly, this opportunity would light the path for me to become the club’s very own Poetry Editor-in-Chief.
For the 2022-2023 school year, our club welcomed so many new yet talented writers. At the time it felt overwhelming because I thought it would change how the club was run, compared to the previous year. Although, after being surrounded by and working with this group of students more, I’d say this club is heading in the right direction. It honestly feels great to have more awesome writers that are willing to share, get encouragement, and improve in their skill. The club now has more people that can contribute to the success of a literary magazine.
This year I am a junior and with my editorial position I was offered the ability to lead a poetry workshop. I immediately accepted this opportunity and never looked back. I spent a few days putting a presentation together for the workshop. I tried my best to make my presentation fun, yet informational for the students. I truly believe that I accomplished my goal. The students were able to learn about eight parts of speech that can make your poetry pop and had an outstanding time participating in mad libs that I created myself. Next time an event like this comes my way I would love to find more ways to really get the students involved, rather than me just standing there talking to them.
Overall, this club has so many amazing things to offer. If you don’t think you can do it, in this club you can. Even if you feel unsure of your writing capabilities, join anyway. In this club we are more than happy to help you improve and become stronger. Though, if you are involved in other clubs and don’t have time, we definitely understand. You are still more than welcome to contribute to the literary magazine and get your great writing out into the open. Infact, I strongly encourage any young writers to get involved with the Creative Writing Club any way they can. We are always looking to make our club grow and help young, talented writers sprout. Personally, I plan to continue to work with the Creative Writing Club very closely. I am incredibly excited to see what this club can truly do and offer to its outstanding writers this year and the years to come.
If you ever have any question about how the club works, what we do, or how you can be involved, please reach out to our adviser Heather Curran or me at any time.