Many individuals work hard in our school everyday in an effort to make it run smoothly. These people work through trials and triumphs yet make it look easy. They don’t hesitate to do their job with a smile on their face no matter the conflict. One of these people is our administrative assistant, Ashley Shumaker.
As of this upcoming December, Shumaker will have been working here as our administrative assistant for five years. Shumaker has also received recognition as MVP of the Year for the 2022-2023 school year

For people like Shumaker, certain aspects of life outside of high school are manifested.
“I graduated from LCHS and when I was in school I always wanted to come back and work here and I have finally accomplished that,” Shumaker said.
Shumaker’s dreams have been achieved, yet she definitely still has her fair share of difficult times within her profession.
“The most challenging [part of my job] would be finding enough time to get everything done,” Shumaker said. “I handle finding substitutes for teachers and at times that can be very overwhelming. I am also in charge of discipline for students that are receiving 10 days and more and sometimes that can be quite a bit of work too.”
Though her job isn’t always easy, Shumaker keeps an optimistic outlook which fuels her everyday endeavors. Along with her positive attitude, she also carries a smile.
“The easiest part of my job is coming to work every day,” Shumaker said. “I am a firm believer in loving where you work and if it is a struggle to get up and get excited about going to work then that is not the job for you.” “Showing up for work, putting a smile on my face and being excited to see everyone, both staff and students is the easiest part of my day.”
Shumaker’s optimism radiates to many different people around her including our former principal and newly made Director of Secondary Education, Lee Downey, who worked with her for several years.
“Her smile and positive energy is infectious, and that is what I will always remember,” Downey said.
Though they have only been working together for a few weeks our new principal, Rodney Redd acknowledges Shumaker’s importance to our school and her work ethic.
“Ashley Shumaker is the heart and soul of our school building,” Redd said. “She is kind and patient, and works tirelessly for students and staff alike.”

Not only does Shumaker’s cheerful and gentle personality touch the lives of people she has worked with professionally, but it also touches the hearts of our student body. One student that can attest to this is 12th grade and current leadership student, Hannah Ryan.
Upon asking both Downey and Ryan to describe Shumaker in a few words, they both undoubtedly defined her as “positive.”
Leadership students work closely with Shumaker to set up various meetings with our school principal to plan and approve a multitude of events.
“Ms. Shumaker has allowed us to have meetings with the principal without which we would be unable to get spirit days, pep rallies, and other activities approved,” Ryan said.
In addition to her willingness to help the students in the school, Shumaker also faithfully helped our former principal.
“Her enthusiasm and love for her job came through in everything she did; she was also always positive which is uplifting when you have a tough job,” Downey said. “She was truly the backbone to what I did every day.”
Because Leadership students have experience working with Shumaker and get the ability to see the work she does behind the scenes for our school, they have an understanding that she is a crucial part of the things that happen on a daily basis here.
“Mrs. Shumaker is an essential part of our school; without her, the administrative schedule would be extremely disorganized and nothing would get done,” Ryan said. “She helps to keep everyone on task and on schedule in order to pull off the various events we hold at LCHS.”
Some Leadership students like Ryan are familiar with Shumaker, but a lot of other students truly are not aware of her and/or the things she contributes to the wellbeing of our school on a daily basis. Shumaker does not care about getting glory or praise from students, as long as they understand that she is here to lend a helping hand.
“I am not sure if any of the students know what I do or what most of the secretaries do or who we are, but when I was in high school I do not think I knew what the secretaries did either,” Shumaker said. “As long as they know they can come to me with any questions and I will help them, that is most important.”
Shumaker showcases a team player attitude and cheers on the endeavors of students in our school.
“The most rewarding part of my job is watching the students at LCHS excel and doing amazing at school and enjoy school, especially graduation and all the events leading up to that momentous day,” Shumaker said. “I am amazed daily with the accomplishments of everyone and I love hearing about them and celebrating with the students.”
Not only is Shumaker a listening ear with an open heart and a supporter of the students here, but she is a witness to Louisa’s commitment to the mottos of honor and togetherness.
“I have a lot of pride for LCHS and the super outstanding amazing things that we do here,” Shumaker said. “I really feel like I am part of the family. Everyone genuinely cares about everyone else.”
Although she may not be widely known as someone of importance in our school building, when one gets to know Shumaker, her care for our school becomes evident and immensely welcomed.
“She genuinely loves Louisa County High School and we are fortunate to have her,” Redd said.