Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), is a club that focuses on family and friend relationships. They sponsor events such as car washes and dance nights to support our “One Family” community.
The FCCLA club helps students create connections and learn about independent living. FCCLA’s sponsor, Nicole Lohr, enjoys the relationships and aspires to continue including them in the club.
“The main focus of FCCLA is family, and I feel that our club really builds that family bond as one of the main focuses of Family and Consumer Sciences. ” said Lohr.
FCCLA puts family first, and they work on their collaboration with each other. Their cooperation is what makes this club work.
“It is nice to see them work with them and bond with them, [since] family is the main focus,” Lohr said.” It’s good to work but also have fun and build that teamwork within family and within the members.” Lohr said.
To show their gratitude towards teachers, FCCLA recently held a car wash which was free for all county teachers. FCCLA members brought siblings and younger family members who wanted to help to show their appreciation as well.
“I wanted to give back to my community,” freshman Rylee Davis said. “So I decided to join FCCLA with my best friend.”
Although they did not get as many teachers involved as they would have liked, members say they still had a fun time. Alongside the hard work, they socialized with each other.
“My favorite part was seeing my friends and helping clean cars,” freshman Hurley Lucckese said. “It was really fun and I enjoyed it”.
In the future, FCCLA would like to do more car washes for the teachers. Lohr hopes to continue building the support for the club. She enjoys being the FCCLA sponsor because of the purpose it has.
“ Having that curricular organization to help our community and build leadership, community, and family is really important to me as part of my career,” said Lohr.