The Loonies Mount a Comeback
Varsity players wearing student section themes sit on the field in front of the new scoreboard. Photo by Ellen Rosson
August 23, 2022
Every Friday night, the Loonies packed into the student section as the clock hit seven and the Louisa Lions sprinted onto the field. Erupting in a roar, the cheering Loonies banded together to support the team. These past few years, covid challenged school spirit and life in general. But this year, the Loonies pull together to bring back the spirit that made them legendary.
Once found at the top of the pyramid, the Louisa Loonies were the 2019 Free Lance Star Varsity Student Section Challenge winners. To get the student section to return to its former glory it will require the help of the student body.
“The last couple of years have not been so great compared to what was seen in years prior, ” Quarterback Landon Wilson said. “To help us out, participate in the themes, show up, and be loud.”
Every year one to two seniors take on the responsibility of “Head Loonie.” This student is responsible for leading cheers and game themes, holding possession of the Spirit Stick, and setting the example for the student body within the section. For the Class of ’23, the Head Loonie is Cullen Hamel.
“My goal for the student section this year is to get students involved and excited to participate and cheer for the football team,” Hamel said.
The job of the student section is to demonstrate the Louisa County support and love for its community. On Friday night lights, the stands buzz with the excitement of fans and community members ready to support the Lions. Here, just as head Principal Lee Downey says we are one family.
Students can showcase their support not only by being at the games but also by dressing all out for the student section themes and staying loud. First year staffer Kylie Kenny, wrote a listicle featuring the 2022-2023 student section themes.
“It is important to participate in the themes so that we can look good and become “one family” as a school as well as a student section,” Hamel said.
Friday night as the Lions run out of the tunnel ready to face Huguenot in the first regular season game, Cullen can be found front and center in the student section ready to help hype up all Lions.
“I hope this year’s student section will be the biggest and loudest it has ever been,” concludes Head Loonie Cullen Hamel.
Celebrate every victory with the Lions standing just outside of the end zone representing the Louisa Loonies.