Starting Sisters


Julia Gibson

Senior Sylvie Jackson and freshmen Ella Jackson during a home game against Culpeper County, with a final score of 72-50.

Julia Gibson, Feature and Entertainment Editor

   Senior Sylvie Jackson and freshmen Ella Jackson are taking over the basketball court this year as both sisters are starting on varsity. 

   “It feels great to be able to play with my sister,” Sylvie said. “I’ve seen all the work she’s put in to be able to start as a freshman.” 

   Ella has a lot to look up to with Sylvie being committed to Davidson and receiving numerous Division I offers throughout her high school basketball career. 

   “I think she looks up to me,” Sylvie said. “But I think she’s going to try to make a name for herself,” Sylvie said. 

   With this being their first and last year playing together, this time is bittersweet for both sisters as Ella transitions to high school and Sylvie prepares for college.

   “I am really just looking forward to making memories and spending time together this season before Sylvie goes off to college,” Ella said.

   Although this is the siblings’ first year being on a team together, they won’t have to do much adjusting. Because the sisters are inseparable, they have picked up on each others’ playing tendencies making them a lethal duo. 

   “We’re always together and she has always watched me play,” Sylvie said. “So she usually knows what I am going to do so if I have the ball she knows where to cut.”

   Sylvie has high hopes for helping Ella thrive and break out of her comfort zone. She hopes to help the team and her sister especially become more comfortable on the court. 

   “I am looking forward to watching her grow and gain confidence as she plays because she’s really good,” Sylvie said. “She just doesn’t know it yet.”

   Last year, the Lady Lions ended their season with a 19-4 record, and with hopes of continuing to do that good, it’ll take good leadership. With the majority of the team being underclassmen, Sylvie and the other returning players will have to take on bigger roles to help guide the newcomers in order to continue to win.

   “I think playing together will help me become a better leader and make my criticism more constructive,” Sylvie said.

   With Sylvie averaging around 30 points a game, Ella will have some big shoes to fill once Sylvie leaves. But she’s confident that Sylvie will help guide her throughout this season.

   “I think it’ll be good for the team to have the push that Sylvie has and also for me to learn from her as a freshman,” Ella said.