The Ladies Member Guest golf tournament is a two-day golfing competition in which a multitude of teams compete to win. The Ladies Member Guest is an annual event hosted by the Spring Creek Golf Club, and brings new people to the course. This year, senior Emma Zelaski and sophomore Ava Garrison attended the tournament. Zelaski and Garrison are currently members of the Spring Creek Golf Club and have invited people outside of the club to participate.
Additionally Zelaski has been participating in the sport since she was eight years old.
“I got into golf because my best friend was doing it, so it was just something that we did together,” Zelaski said.

Garrison joined because of a friend and continued to golf for 6 years. Garrison and Zelaski are now members of the school golf team.
During the two days of the tournament, players play a total of 27 holes. The first day, teams are put into flights where they are assigned an opponent.
“Whoever had the most points in that flight would move on to the shootout,” Garrison says.
In another section of the competition, players compete in a contest called the Island Green.
“There’s this putting green, and we would hit from [hole] 18 over the water onto the green,” Garrison said. “There’s a box around the hole and you get different points based on where you land, and whoever gets the most points goes to the shootout.” Zelaski and Garrison both tied in the competition.
Golf chair, Stephanie Zelaski has been participating in the Ladies Member Guest tournament for three years.

“I’ve loved how I’ve seen it grow. It was a very small event and each year it gets bigger and bigger,” Mrs. Zelaski said.
“We’re getting more and more ladies in this community involved,” Mrs. Zelaski says.
Mrs. Zelaski started golfing five years ago and gives some advice for people looking to get into the sport.
“Golf, it’s a love hate relationship, I’ll have one of the best rounds ever, and then the next day it’s like you’ve never played golf before,” Mrs. Zelaski said. “You just have to keep going.”